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Investment Management & Our Managed Account Program

Investment management is the utilization of professionals to guide your investment portfolio toward your financial goals. If you own mutual funds you are already employing professional management to guide part of your portfolio.


At Nestlerode & Loy, we provide very tailored and specialized management of client investments through our Managed Account Program (MAP). This program allows us to buy and sell securities for our clients as needed to match their investment risks and goals. Since we are not obligated to buy pre-packaged groups of mutual funds or specific products, we can tailor each client's portfolio of investments to their goals. 


Currently, we have more than $150 million in investments under management for our clients. As asset managers, we research the economy, various industries, particular companies, successful business executives, new technologies, and changing human practices. From these studies, we commit our clients' funds into those investment situations which we believe will be profitable in the future. While there can be no guarantee that our efforts will be successful in the future, we have enjoyed substantial success in the past. In this regard, we are our own fund managers, buying and selling securities (stocks) for our clients.


Our independence and financial experience are what has made Nestlerode & Loy successful for more than 85 years. We invite you to meet with us to review our investment returns over the many years we have been in business. Nestlerode & Loy Inc. clears trades through RBC-C&C. 

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